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Reporting Workplace Harassment

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Workplace Harassment- Its Types And Ways To Report

Many individuals have found the courage to speak out against offensive behavior at work thanks to the “MeToo” movement. Many are, nevertheless, hesitant to speak up and report coworkers or bosses who harassed them.

In most workplaces, however, workplace abuse is widespread but not openly discussed. Workplace harassment and intimidation are common, yet they go unchecked in the majority of cases. Most people are unaware of what constitutes harassment at work. As a result, the vast majority of allegations remain unreported and unaddressed.

We’ve all seen hostile work environments that have caused people to leave their workplaces. Have we considered why? Why are some workers seen in isolated instances of harassment? Is it possible that they are being harassed in any way?

The most important resource for any company is its employees. They are the lifeblood of any company. A poor and unpleasant working environment may have a detrimental impact on your company’s productivity, employee happiness, and reputation in the marketplace. As a result, any business’s positive growth strategy necessitates maintaining good etiquette and discouraging harassment.

To begin, let us understand:

What Is Workplace Harassment?


Definition – Workplace harassment occurs when an employee or a group of employees is harassed by their coworkers. The aim of a workplace harasser is to make his or her victims feel threatened and uncomfortable.

Harassment in the workplace has a variety of names, such as “workplace bullying,” “mobbing,” “workplace aggression,” and so on.

Harassment may be defined as a persistent pattern of verbal or physical abuse, assaults, and/or threats. It can take the form of isolation, displays of infringement that are not limited to one demographic group, and other tactics designed to cause unhappiness or discomfort. People may target several groups at once, such as women, racial minorities, and sexual minorities. In essence, the workplace harassment necessitates a multidimensional structure since it can’t be described in one clear and precise definition.

The Time to Act is Now 


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We will fight to get the maximum compensation owed to you for your injuries and losses.

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Types Of Workplace Harassment


Physical evidence of workplace harassment is difficult to come by, yet we can’t deny its existence. Harassment, as defined by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), includes offensive jokes, bullying, slurs, epithets, physical assaults, intimidation, ridicule, insults, insulting objects or pictures, and interference in job performance.

Harassment, whether verbal or physical, sexual favors, psychological or emotional abuse, and so on, may occur at the workplace. There are five primary sorts of workplace harassment:

  1. Verbal harassment
  2. Psychological harassment
  3. Cyberbullying
  4. Sexual harassment
  5. Physical harassment

Let’s have a deeper look and assist you in recognizing these sorts of harassment at your workplace.

  • Verbal Harassment

Victims of verbal harassment frequently confront an uphill fight for both their physical and professional well-being. Verbal harassment includes insults, obscene hand signals, and unjust criticisms.

Since this is a non-physical form of abuse, it includes insults such as fat-shaming/body shaming jokes, cruel remarks, and unsolicited taunting, making it difficult to detect. Because the area is gray, HR executives and leaders must be on their toes in order to identify harassing conduct.

  • Psychological Harassment

Psychological harassment is similar to verbal abuse in that it’s more covert, and utilizes techniques such as withholding information. People who are subjected to this sort of bullying have a greater tendency to experience mental breakdowns, low self-esteem, and self-deprecating behavior.

Taking credit for another person’s success, making impossible demands, imposing impossible deadlines on an employee, forcing someone to work outside of their job scope, and so forth are all examples of psychological harassment.

  • Cyberbullying

The newest form of harassment is digital harassment or cyberbullying, which involves online abuse. It’s as hurtful as physical bullying, and it occurs over the internet.

Sheri Mooney, CEO, and president of Mind Squad HR, said:

“Digital harassment includes posting threats or demeaning comments on social media, creating a fake persona to bully someone online, creating a webpage about the victim to mock and belittle them, and making false allegations online.”

Usage of social media has become a norm in many workplaces. Hence in the name of free speech, anyone can harass anyone digitally. People can make fake personas to demean or bully their colleagues.

However, there is also good news about digital harassment. Victims may document it and someone who is being bullied or harassed might take notes of these events in screenshots, saved e-mails, and other forms of documentation.

Doing so enables employees subjected to workplace bullying to simply disclose these offensive actions.

  • Sexual Harassment

Sexual assault and other forms of sex-based harassment are illegal in Texas. It’s more common than you might believe, and it affects people of both genders. It is an offense that does not exclusively affect women. A person of either gender may be the victim or perpetrator of sexual misconduct.

According to a ZipRecruiter poll, 40% of women and 14% of men said they had been the victim of sexual harassment at work.

Unwanted touching, sending obscene communications and movies, requests for sexual favors, and comments that include obscene hand motions are some of the indicators of sexual harassment.

Most of the time, these events go undetected and unreported, allowing offenders to continue their misbehavior. Many victims are hesitant to speak about it since they believe things will improve if they do, but this is not the case. If someone is a sex offender and makes others feel uncomfortable, one must inform authorities.

  • Physical Harassment

Physical Harassment in the workplace can take on a variety of forms. Touching clothes, skin, physical assaults, threats, and damaging personal property are examples of inappropriate tactile punishment.

People who identify as gender minorities or LGBTQIA+ are more likely to experience such forms of abuse at work. Offenders may downplay some harassment by making jokes that don’t result in bodily harm; in these situations, it’s difficult to spot physical assaults.

Even if there are no serious bodily injuries, the act of touching someone persistently might be considered physical harassment. Employees must file a complaint and take robust action against offenders.

The Time to Act is Now 


Act now for a free consultation from our top-rated legal  team to discuss any rights or compensation that you may be entitled.

We will fight to get the maximum compensation owed to you for your injuries and losses.

Complete The Form Or Call – (888) 306-4555

How To Report Workplace Harassment?


HR departments are designed to assist workers who require assistance in work-related circumstances. Whether they are uneasy or afraid of their work environment, whether they believe a coworker is dangerous, or if someone has threatened their job security and safety, good HR strategies guarantee their security and protection.

Grievances or intimidating actions without physical evidence should not deter a victim from going through the proper channels to report workplace harassment. Reporting workplace harassment is essential because other victims may have reported similar offenses by the same abuser, and they might be unaware of the harassment patterns that are affecting co-workers.

Some organizations have adequate conduct and strict anti-harassment rules in place, while other small businesses may not. We strongly advise workers, as well as CEOs and HR executives, to follow the actions listed below:

  • Make an attempt to have a one-to-one conversation with the harasser calmly. Inquire as to whether or not they are willing to cease their derogatory behavior towards your employees (victims). If the bullying is violent, do not confront the harasser; instead, take immediate measures by contacting HR and law enforcement when appropriate.
  • If your staff complains about harassment and you discover that the offender is a leader, escalate the problem to HR if attempts to talk with him or she about the behavior fail. If you have any proof, such as screenshots, eyewitnesses, or text messages, consider providing it.
  • If you think your company handled your staff’s complaints inadequately, contact the EEOC, which may conduct an investigation without prejudice. Assist your employees in contacting them since they have their own legislation and enforcement agencies that oversee workplace behavior.



A healthy, productive, and harassment-free environment reduces toxicity and encourages employee engagement and production. As a result, you must ensure that your workplace does not promote or tolerate discrimination against any individual.

Here’s What To Do if You Think It’s Time For A Lawyer


Have you been the victim of workplace harassment? These are considered to be extremely serious offenses, and you may be eligible for compensation.

In fact, we take these situations on a contingency fee basis because they are so egregious. This means there will be no fee if we are unable to obtain compensation for you. Contact us today. 

Before talking to the EEOC or to discuss pursuing your claim in court, call Workplace Harassment Lawyers of Texas for a free case evaluation.

Call For Your Free Consultation Now - (888) 306-4555

The Time to Act is Now 


Act now for a free consultation from our top-rated legal  team to discuss any rights or compensation that you may be entitled.

We will fight to get the maximum compensation owed to you for your injuries and losses.

Complete The Form Or Call – (888) 306-4555

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Workplace Harassment Texas

We help you fight for Justice

If you have been harassed at work in Texas, or if you were compelled to leave your job because of severe and continual workplace harassment, contact Workplace Harassment Lawyers of Texas right away.

Our experienced Workplace harassment lawyers can assess the situation and recommend your best options for moving forward. You might be able to file a workplace discrimination claim against your employer for missed pay, benefits, and other monetary damages.

If you’d like to talk with us and ask questions specific to your case, call us at (888) 306-4555 for a free case evaluation.

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