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3 Types Of Workplace Harassment

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3 Types Of Workplace Harassment To Watch Out For

Unfortunately, even the most experienced HR professionals sometimes overlook numerous indicators and types of workplace harassment. For one thing, it’s difficult to keep track of what all your workers are up to on a daily basis. Second, employees have their own ideas about what it means to be a professional in the workplace.

For example, while one employee may find swearing acceptable in casual conversations with coworkers, another thinks it’s never acceptable and finds them to be extremely hurtful.

Because one of the definitions of workplace harassment given by the EEOC is creating a hostile working environment, it’s difficult for HR experts to put themselves in the shoes of all employees and identify every action that a reasonable person would consider offensive, much less other employees.

Below are three types of workplace harassment, as well as examples and solutions to assist you in teaching your employees how to avoid workplace bullying.

  • Verbal/Written
  • Physical
  • Visual

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Workplace Harassment Examples


1. Verbal Written Harassment


The most well-known instance of workplace harassment is verbal or written. It’s the kind of behavior that you see the most frequently. Here are some examples of when it might happen:

  • Sending emails that contain hurtful jokes or pictures of race or religion
  • Asking for dates or sexual favors over and over again in-person or through text
  • Inquiring about family histories of illnesses or genetic diseases
  • Making derogatory comments about someone’s disability or age
  • Imitating someone’s foreign accent behind their back

The most crucial thing to look for today is technology. For example, if one employee forwards an email with a pornographic image, it could quickly spread throughout the company, even if the original sender did not intend it that way.

2. Physical Harassment


Because it might often be very subtle, you may find that physical harassment is more difficult to detect.

  • Lewd hand gestures or other gestures meant to convey curse words
  • Unwanted touching of a person or their clothing
  • Frequently and purposefully following or getting too close to a person
  • Making sexually suggestive facial expressions
  • Playing music with profane or degrading language.

It is sometimes difficult to determine when conduct between coworkers is acceptable, and when it crosses the line into unlawful conduct. So, for example, if two coworkers are joking around and one makes an indecent hand gesture that someone else sees, they may feel uncomfortable and even harassed.

3. Visual Harassment 


The hardest to find is Visual because it’s the most subjective and necessitates you to put yourself in the shoes of the other person.

  • Wearing clothing that contains abusive or crude language
  • Displaying posters or pictures of a sexual nature
  • Showing other people sexually suggestive text messages or emails
  • Watching pornographic or violent videos
  • Drawing violent or derogatory images

For example, someone may have a comic strip on their workstation and while the humor may be appreciated by most people, someone else could find it distasteful and claim that it is creating a hostile workplace.

The Time to Act is Now 


Act now for a free consultation from our top-rated legal  team to discuss any rights or compensation that you may be entitled.

We will fight to get the maximum compensation owed to you for your injuries and losses.

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How Do You Educate Employees About The Various Types Of Workplace Harassment?


Because you can’t monitor all of your workers, you’ll have to rely on them to understand that nature of unacceptable conduct, how to deal with workplace harassment, and what actions to take. And here’s how you may assist them.

  • Have The Top-level Executives Set An Example

If a manager curses in the presence of his or her employees, they might believe it’s acceptable for them to do the same. As a result, you must start by making sure that your top-level executives and supervisors set a good example.

  • Define Unacceptable Behaviors In Official Policies

Because your employee may have a different view on what constitutes a hostile work environment, it’s critical that you make that clear in your code of conduct or employee handbook.

  • Implement Workplace Harassment Training Exercises

Employees can also be taught about their role in preventing various forms of workplace harassment through harassment prevention training. The training may also help you reinforce your established standards for acceptable conduct, as well as provide relatable examples to drive the point home.

  • Outline Reporting Procedures And Investigate Claims

Finally, you may encourage staff to speak up if they believe they are being harassed at work. Outline the process for reporting and handling claims, investigate them thoroughly, and most importantly take preventive measures.

Harassment can take many forms, and it’s a continuing effort to combat them all. You must examine what’s going on around your workplace from the perspective of a variety of people. It also entails educating your staff on a variety of forms of workplace abuse and what they can do to prevent them.

Harassment Damages


Back pay, front pay, compensatory damages, punitive damages, injunctive relief, lawyer’s fees and costs are just a few of the damages available in a workplace harassment claim. 

Compensatory damages are permitted for future loss, emotional suffering, and mental anguish. Punitive damages may be given to punish employers who intentionally violate the rights of other employees in certain circumstances. Contact us to discuss your case. 

If you’ve been subjected to workplace harassment, Workplace Harassment Lawyers of Texas can assist. Please contact us for a free evaluation of your situation. 

Call For Your Free Consultation Now - (888) 306-4555

The Time to Act is Now 


Act now for a free consultation from our top-rated legal  team to discuss any rights or compensation that you may be entitled.

We will fight to get the maximum compensation owed to you for your injuries and losses.

Complete The Form Or Call – (888) 306-4555

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Workplace Harassment Texas

We help you fight for Justice

If you have been harassed at work in Texas, or if you were compelled to leave your job because of severe and continual workplace harassment, contact Workplace Harassment Lawyers of Texas right away.

Our experienced Workplace harassment lawyers can assess the situation and recommend your best options for moving forward. You might be able to file a workplace discrimination claim against your employer for missed pay, benefits, and other monetary damages.

If you’d like to talk with us and ask questions specific to your case, call us at (888) 306-4555 for a free case evaluation.

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